Guide for cheap SIM registration Line Mobile does not need a credit card

Sim giá rẻ

Guide for cheap SIM registration Line Mobile does not need a credit card

thong-bao-tokyodayroi Hướng dẫn cách tạo CV tiếng Nhật online xem tại đây.

Cheap Sim Line Mobile is popularly used by many Vietnamese in Japan because of the stability of SIM speed and there are packages of cheap sim cards with unlimited high-speed capacity when using SNS. Therefore, cheap SIM Line Mobile is suitable for those who use Line, Faceboook, Instagram, Twitter, ... Moreover, using cheap sim card of Line, your monthly fee is only about 1,690 円 - 2,220 円 , will save you a lot of monthly phone bills. In this article Tokyodayroi will guide you through the steps of registering sim Line Mobile without a credit card in the simplest way.

Monthly fee of cheap Line Mobile sim

Currently the Line Mobile monthly package is extremely attractive. Depending on the amount you register to use monthly and can be used freely Line, Faceboook, Instagram, Twitter without being deducted, the current rate of Line Mobile is calculated as follows.


Some things need to be prepared to register for sim Line Mobile


❖ Credit card or Line Pay card

If you do not have a credit card, you can apply for a Line Pay card as instructed in the article below.

Tham Khảo Hướng dẫn đăng ký thẻ Line Pay Nhật Bản

Note: After receiving the Line Pay Card, it must be activated via the LINE application to be able to register.

Email Email Account (Used to confirm at registration)

❖ A clear photo of some of the following personal papers:

+ Photos of the front and back of the alien card.

+ Photo of the front of My Number card.

+ Photo of the driver's license in Japan (If any)

❖ If you want to change the integer network from SoftBank networks, Au or Docomo, ... you need to have the MNP code ready.

Tham Khảo Mã MNP là gì ? Cách lấy mã số MNP để chuyển mạng giữ nguyên số điện thoại ở Nhật Bản

Proceed to the steps of registering a cheap Mobile Line sim

Step 1: To register a cheap sim Line Mobile, click on the button below.

Step 2: Click on 申 し 込 む to register.


Step 3 : Scroll down to the bottom of the page and then click on 上 記 事項 に 同意 の 上 、 申 し 込 む to continue.


Step 4: Select the sim Line Mobile subscription method.

❖ 通常 申 し 込 み: Register normally.

Entry エ ン ト リ ー パ ッ ケ ー ジ を 使用 し て 申 し 込 込 み: Register with the Entry Code of Line.

Entry Code code has Amazon for 450 Yen here

Click 次 へ 進 む to continue 


Step 5: Select the network of your compatible carrier

❖ If your phone is Docomo's unlocked version, select ド コ モ 回 線

❖ If your phone is an unlocked version of Softbank, please select ソ フ ト バ ン ク 回 線

❖ If your phone is an international or unlocked version, please select any connection.

Select service package:

❖ LINE フ リ ー: This service pack uses Line without monthly capacity calculation.

Này コ ミ ュ ニ ケ ー シ ョ ン フ リ ー: This service package uses SNS (Line, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) without being charged monthly. (Recomend using)

❖ MUSIC +: This service package uses SNS (Line, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and listening to music is not counted monthly.


Step 6: Select the monthly plan package you want to use (Line Mobile for cumulative GB if the previous month's balance is available)

Select SIM type:

タ デ ー タ SIM (SMS 付 き): SIM data + Send and receive messages (SMS)

❖ 音 声 通話 SIM: SIM data + Send and receive messages (SMS) + Listen to calls


Step 7: Select the type of registration contract.

❖ 新 規 番号 で の 申 し 込 み : Register a new sim card number (do not choose a number)

P 他 社 か ら 乗 り 換 え (MNP 転 入) : Transfer from another operator and keep the same number.


❖ SIM カ ー ド の み: Only registered for each SIM.

❖ 端末 + SIM カ ー ド: Register to buy + SIM card

Step 8: Select the type of device you are using to buy the corresponding SIM sim.


Step 9: Select services when using SIM Line Mobile if required. After selecting, press 次 へ 進 む to continue.



Bước 10 : Nhấn chọn 申し込まない đẻ bỏ qua gọi ý dịch vụ Option nếu bạn không cần dùng.


Step 11: Provide personal information to register SIM LINE MOBILE



Select 利用 者 と 契約 者 が 同 じ で す。

Choose 電子 交付 (ウ ェ ブ 表示) if you want to receive an electronic file contract via email.

Choose 書面 交付 (郵 送) if you want to receive a paper contract will be sent to the home according to the address you registered above.

Check agree to the terms of using the Mobile Line cheap sim

Then click on 次 へ 進 む (メ ー ル 送信) to continue.



Step 12: Check your email to confirm your SIM Line registration via email is sent to you.


Step 13: After clicking on the confirmation link in the email, the screen to upload the photo of the master confirmation photo will be opened. Now select the type of personal document you want to upload. For foreigners, usually upload some of the following documents.

❖ 運 転 免 許 証: Picture of a driver's license in Japan.

Number マ イ ナ ン バ ー カ ー ド: My Number Card.

❖ 健康 保 険 証: Health insurance card in Japan.

❖ 在 留 カ ー ド: Alien card.

If you use a health insurance card or alien card, you need to have one of the following two additional documents at item 8:

Your electricity / water / gas bill with your name (公共 料 金領 収 書).
Citizenship (住民 票)



Step 14: Choose how to pay monthly fee.

If you have a credit card, click on ク レ ジ ッ ト カ ー ド.

Here I would like to guide you to choose the form of payment with LINE Pay card.

You click on 次 へ 進 む to continue.


Step 15: Enter the card information then click on 次 へ 進 む.


Step 16: Enter account information of SIM Line login card. After completing the registration, click on 登録 し て 最終 確認 へ 進 む.


Confirm the information once registered. If there is nothing wrong, then click on 申 し 込 む to complete the registration of cheap SIM LINE MOBILE


Now that you have completed the registration of the cheap Mobile Line sim. After about 2 to 3 days, the SIM will be sent to you.


After receiving SIM LINE MOBILE, you can install SIM card and then change APN address to activate SIM.

THAM KHẢO APN là gì ? Hướng dẫn cài đặt APN cho sim giá rẻ tại Nhật Bản

I wish you all good luck and soon successfully register cheap Mobile Line sim in Japan!

XEM THÊMTop 5 sim giá rẻ tại Nhật Bản được ưa chuộng nhất

Nếu có bất kỳ câu hỏi nào xin hãy để lại bình luận phía dưới hoặc cùng thảo luận trên diễn đàn với bọn mình và mọi người nhé.

Chúc các bạn thành công !


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