Cheap SIM cards are more and more popular and beloved by many people, all around the world. It is because the price for DATA is very cheap and there are many service packs for the user to choose from. So that, MVNO cheap sim brands in Japan have appeared in these recent years. You can come across a good one, or also a bad one, instead.
If you are not careful, you may be treated and pay money for the really bad one. That is the reason why we want to help you to know good brands in this article, so you can choose the right one at a reasonable price.
What are the conditions for owning a SIM card in Japan?
There are three requirements you must meet to own a sim Card in this country.
❖ Owning a bank card or credit card.
❖ Unlock phone with Docomo, SoftBank, AU or international versions.
Kinds of SIM cards in Japan
❖ データ SIM: this SIM card is used for surfing the internet and social network such as Facebook, Line, Twitter. We can use this for calling.
❖ 音声通話 SIM: This kind of SIM card is used for calling and data.
Top 5 cheap sim Cards in Japan
This is a list of top 5 cheap SIM cards Japanese like to use.
Line mobile sim card
LINE mobile is very famous. People know about it because it is the brand serving the LINE app which is very popular in Japan.
Pros of LINE mobile SIM card:
❖ Free data when accessing social networks such as Line, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can post your pictures on feed, surf Facebook even when the data is over.
❖ Free call and free video call.
❖ Flexible for buying more data during months, it is not a fixed service pack.
❖ Data which is not used in this month can be saved for the next month.
❖ The contract for a LINE mobile SIM card is one year, which is very suitable for people who have a short-term visa.
❖ Do not need a credit card for registering the LINE mobile SIM card because you can pay through LINE pay.
LINE Mobile is suitable for those who want to experience high transmission speed when using cheap SIM cards. This brand is also suitable for people who often use SNS such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ...
Promotion: LINE Mobile is applying for very attractive promotions at the moment.
+ Free charge for the first month of all packages.
+ In the 2nd month, 3GB will be free, other service packs will be reduced 1,480 yen. ( Applying for calling SIM )
+ Receiving the corresponding amount for the promotion codes: 7000 yen for PB071 ( in LINE pay), 7000yen for LN071 ( in LINE point)
Price for service packs with promotions:
Biglobe mobile sim card
Biglobe is a cheap SIM card used for both AU và Docomo networks. This is a reputable and cheap SIM service, which always improves positively by receiving feedbacks from users to bring better service to users in Japan.
Pros of Biglobe SIM cards:
❖ Free credit card when registering different SIM cards (applying for Biglobe members). Free credit card when registering sim data for all users.
❖ No limitation for watching Youtube and Ameba TV with optional free entertainment package.
❖ Free charge for the first month using.
❖ Offer promotions when introducing acquaintances to use and share data capacity.
❖ The remaining data will be saved and used for next month.
Promotions: Biglobe Mobile is applying for promotions, free charge for the first month and reduce 1200 yen per month for the next 6 months of all packages (applying for new registering calling SIM cards or switching networks with the same MNP).
Prices when having promotions of Biglobe SIM cards:
Cheap sim UQ Mobile
UQ Mobile Sim only supports unlocked phones of AU or international versions.
Advantages of sim UQ Mobile:
❖ The transmission speed is the fastest among MVNO carriers using the AU network, stable in all time frames.
❖ Can use MMS
❖ Providing unlimited data package using high-speed LTE line.
❖ 5 minutes free for domestic calling every month when registering for a sim card.
A UQ Mobile SIM card is the number 1 choice for those who are using an unlocked AU phone and have not owned a credit card.
Promotions: at present, when you register for a SIM card or buy a new phone, you will receive a cash amount up to 10,000 yen
Cheap Nuro Mobile SIM Cards
The next cheap sim supplier I would recommend is Nuro Mobile. This company sells phones and cheap sim services of Sony Japan.
Pros of Nuro Mobile SIM card:
❖ Use the transmission lines of 3 network brands in Japan( Softbank, Au, and DOCOMO). You can easily switch to any network.
❖ The remaining data for this month is saved for the next month.
❖ There are 4 service packs monthly for you to choose from.
❖ The transmission is fast and stable.
Cons of Nura Mobile SIM Cards:
You need a credit card to register.
Promotions: when registering for Nuro Mobile SIM cards, you can receive a discount for the next 2 months as following:
❖ Sプラン (2GB) : reduce 1,400円/ month.
❖ Mプラン (7GB) : reduce 2,200円/ month.
❖ Lプラン (13GB) : reduce 3,400円/ month.
Price for Nuro Mobile SIM per month is:
Cheap sim Rakuten Mobile
Maybe almost of you have ever heard about Rakuten because this is a cheap and favorite sim supplier in Japan in many years.
Pros of Rakuten SIM cards:
❖ Free charge for the first month.
❖ The remaining data for this month is saved for the next month.
❖ It can share data for many mobiles, as well as using many mobiles to access the data.
❖ Rakuten LTE line has the fastest speed among all cheap SIM cards.
❖ Rakuten points are counted when you pay for the service package's charge. (100 yen = 1 point).
❖ Duplicating the points when purchasing at the Rakuten system.
In conclusion, the Rakuten SIM cards are suitable for those who often buy things at the Rakuten system. If you want to watch a lot of movies or use the internet unlimited, Rakuten may not be the right one for you. You should also note that the Rakuten SIM card does not have Hodai utility.
We have shared with you the top 5 cheap SIM cards that are beloved in Japan. Each brand has its own pros and cons. You should think twice and choose the right one to use, guys!
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